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Ashiyuki (芦幸)

(R) Arashi Kanjûrô I (嵐冠十郎) as Hayakawa Genba (早川玄蕃) and Bandô Jutarô I (坂東寿太郎) as Naruto Kobei, actually Amako Haruhisa (鳴門幸兵衛誠は尼子春久); (M) Asao Gakujûrô I(浅尾額十郎) as Môri Motonari (毛利元成); (L) Arashi Kitsusaburô II () 嵐橘三郎as Kanren Monpei, actually Tsutsumi Sehei (貫練門平誠はつゝみ瀬平) in Keisei suô no dairi (けいせい素袍 [内裏]), Naka no Shibai, Osaka
Gigadô Ashiyuki ga (戯画堂芦ゆき画)
No artist seal
Wataki (Wataya Kihei, 綿屋喜兵衞)
(H x W)
Ôban triptych nishiki-e
37.8 x 77.8 cm
Very good
Excellent color, very good condition (unbacked; a few expertly filled wormholes near bottom of each sheet, short crease on R sheet near signature, minor marks on C and L sheets)
Price (USD/¥):
$775 / Contact us to pay in yen (¥)

Order/Inquiry (Ref #ASY34)


The historical Amako Haruhisa (1514-1562) was the grandson of Amako Tsunehisa (1458-1541), founder of the Amako clan in the Chûgoku region. In 1486 Tsunehisa conquered the province of Izumo and the island of Oki. In 1541 Haruhisa inherited control of the clan from his grandfather, but with Haruhisa's death, the Amako weakened. In 1566, Gassan-Toda castle in Izumo fell to the Mori Montonari (1497-1571), whereupon Haruhisa's successor Amako Yoshihisa (died 1610) surrendered and was forced into exile. The play Keisei suô no dairi appears to be a dramatic adaptation of these and other events from the Muromachi period (1333-1574).


The four actors are shown in a dramatic kabuki tableau, as with swords drawn, they pose beneath a violent thunderstorm painted on the stage scenery.

Another impression of the complete triptych is in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Acc #11.35173-5).

References: IKBYS-I, no. 275